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The recommended way to integrate with IGNOS APIs is to use the official API client which is available on NuGet.


Install it from NuGet package manager in Visual studio or from the command line:

dotnet add package Ignos.Api.Client


There are several ways to configure the C# client, but the preferred way is to use the following set of extension methods:


services.AddIgnosApiClient<ICountriesClient, CountriesClient>();

// Add more clients using services.AddIgnosApiClient as needed

This will automatically look for a configuration section named IgnosApi (can be overriden with the configSectionName argument).

The section will be bound to IgnosApiClientOptions which has the following properties:

public class IgnosApiClientOptions
public string TenantId { get; set; }
public string ClientId { get; set; }
public string ClientSecret { get; set; }
public string Scope { get; set; }
public string BaseUrl { get; set; }

For other ways to configure the client(s), have a look at the source code or use intellisense to explore the API.

  • AddIgnosHttpClient will add a named HttpClient that will be used for all communication with the Ignos API.
  • AddAzureAuthenticationHandler will add a delegating handler to the named HTTP client using an instance of IConfidentialClientApplication configured according to the provided config.
  • AddDefaultPolicyHandler will add a Polly policy handler that will retry request on transient errors as well as 429 Too Many Requests.